Buckwheat. Strengthening the leadership

Buckwheat groats – are the unique product with unrivaled nutritive properties

Indicators of the buckwheat production success confirm the timeliness of investment in this area

In times of change, when one way of life is becoming a thing of the past, yet a new way of life is just emerging, we often feel disoriented, which makes us look for support in the tried and true. Exactly from there disputes between healthy food supporters and fast food fans are growing; those who prefer organic foods, and those who are worrying about the fate of “traditional” technological farming. However, there are areas which are difficult to separate - the new from the old and things that can benefit only if the new and old is balanced.

These areas include agriculture and, in particular, the production of cereals. According to international experts, only because of the organic and traditional cereal production, humanity has a chance to finally eliminate a famine. And one of such extremely important crop, that is occupying a significant place in the structure of cereals consumption in Europe and Asia, is a buckwheat.

People learned how to grow buckwheat many centuries ago. Being at the same time digestible, nutritious and healthy product for our body, buckwheat quickly gained popularity among different segments of the population

Buckwheat crops can be used

  • Food source (buckwheat groats);
  • Melliferous culture and raw material for honey production;
  • Raw material for rutin manufacture, used in medical practice for treatment of a number of diseases;
  • Source of food production for people with diabetes;
  • Components of mixtures for healthy nutrition and convenience foods (flakes, porridges, soups, etc.)

The IMARTI company offers its partners a full cycle of buckwheat production in Ukraine, both for export and domestic sales. IMARTI has at its disposal advanced technologies, used from the stage of selection of damaged seeds to quality control, using optical and infrared cameras. Enables gentle processing mode.