Organic production, Quality control, Modern technology

IMARTI – Aggregator of opportunities

The IMARTI Naturkost GmbH & Co.KG specializes in the production and sale of agricultural products, as well as it processing at its own enterprises. Export/import operations cover EU countries, Eastern Europe, Middle Asia and the USA, and therefore special attention is paid to quality control and environmental safety of sold product.

It is known that in our time only organic farming can protect consumers from products, contaminated with pesticides, nitrates and other chemicals that adversely affect human health. An important principle of our activity is a liable approach to selection suppliers of products, giving preference to partners who comply with international standards in the cultivation of certain agricultural products.

Organics - products of the future

IMARTI invests in the organic farming development in countries with a large agricultural base but with lack of necessary financial resources. Thus, cooperating with us, agricultural producers will be able to offer their products to the European and American markets, after passing relevant certification procedure.

Our company already covers more than 20,000 hectares of cultivated areas, certified for organic farming, but this figure is planned to be increased through cooperation with the Ukrainian and Kazakh agroholdings. At the same time, our activity extends to the whole production chain - from preparing soil and seeds to processing and supplying products to warehouses.

A wide range of products, quality control and delivery of products on time - the foundation of the IMARTI business principals.

Proper fulfillment of the assumed obligations ensures high business reputation of our company.

All experience of our work defined the IMARTI company motto - “Dictum factum”, that is, “what is said is done!”

In addition...

we are actively developing new directions, such as the production of extracts, food additives, protein concentrates, production of which requires use of innovative technologies, for example, supercritical fluid extraction. In this regard, we are interested in finding new partners and mutually beneficial relations, expanding the geography of our activities. We are always open to discuss the terms of cooperation and consider constructive business proposals.